Book Title: Science Fair
Authors: Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
Summary: Toby Harbinger is an eighth grader at Hubble Middle School, who is looking forward for the science fair. But he is in big trouble now! Toby sells his dad's Star Wars blaster for a new computer, a Tarantula Disemboweler 666X, and now two weird guys are asking for more Star Wars props. The only way he can stop the two lunatics is to win $5,000 from the science fair. But there is a problem that lays there also, since a group of kids, called the Minor Estates (ME) kids, want to win. And their parents would do anything to help them.The ME kids don't make their projects themselves, but they pay $50 for project plans. But the person who is sending these plans actually wants to bring the United States to chaos, so he makes top secret technology plans for them. When Toby finds out about this, he gets teamed up with a scientist, two people from a foreign country, and his friends to stop the science fair before something disastrous happens!
I like this book because it's an action packed story that has lots of conflicts and solutions in the story.
I would recommend this story to people who like adventure and fictional, big chapter books.
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