Book Title: My Life as a Book
Author: Janet Tashjian
Summary: Summer has arrived, and Derek Fallon is looking forward on doing his usual summer plans. But his parents want him sent to Learning Camp, which felt like prison to him. Who would dream of going to school in the summer? But ever since Derek's mom realized that he need to read way more books rather than books by Calvin and Hobbes, Derek had been spending every minute avoiding his mom's idea. One day, he finds an old newspaper that includes a family secret, involving him as a baby. What adventures shall happen to him as he finds shocking discoveries that lead closer and closer to the secret? And what will he think about reading after he encounters the secret?
I like the book because it shows everything in Derek's point of view. Also, I liked the topic of the story, since it was very unique.
I would recommend this book to people who like adventurous books and like learning many new words.
This is a really good book for someone that does not like to read. The main character does not like to read "regular" books, but enjoys comics. What I really like is that in the margins there are little pictures to help with vocabulary words. Not too hard, an interesting topic, and a funny main character. Good book!