Our first week back at school was a busy one! We learned classroom procedures, revisited PBSIS expectations and started our fourth grade work.
We created Venn diagrams to learn what we had in common with a classmate.
In math, we began our exploration of place value. We also started using FrontRowEd.
In social studies, we started to learn about New Jersey and its location in the world.
Be sure to view our Twitter account (
www.twitter.com/room15rocks) and sign the Edmodo slip to activate your account.
Some reminders for next week:
Starting Monday, students in room 15 will enter school through door 4 and proceed to the classroom. They will enter the room at 8:55, and will be expected to be ready for the day by 9:02, when morning announcements begin.
If your child is leaving school early, please send in a note. That way he or she can be ready to go on time.
Friday night (September 12th) is the Ice Cream Social